Welcome To The CW & Co. Blog

I have lots for you to dive into here on the Copy Blog. You’ll find more about my latest portfolio clients, copywriting, strategy, design, content marketing, and SEO tips to improve your search rankings, plus more about building a brand that your clients/customers/audience will be begging for more!

(Please note: I only share a small sample of my client’s work in my portfolio. Contact me if you’re curious about other projects I’ve had the pleasure of working on.

10 Pinterest Marketing Tips for More Website Traffic
Business Christina Willis Business Christina Willis

10 Pinterest Marketing Tips for More Website Traffic

As a business owner, you know the importance of effective marketing & in particular, marketing with Pinterest. But to some, selling your services on Pinterest seems like a difficult thing to do. I have compiled my 10 best Pinterest marketing tips that will help you grow your website traffic, generate leads, and convert authentic & organic connections to your business.

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How To Make Time for Pinterest in your Business
Christina Willis Christina Willis

How To Make Time for Pinterest in your Business

I hear so many bloggers & business owners say they have no time for Pinterest in their business. I'm here to tell you, YES YOU DO! In this post, I'm sharing with you 3 simple ways to make Pinterest a priority in your business that will free up time in your busy workflow.

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The Power of Pinterest for Business & Why You Need It Now
Christina Willis Christina Willis

The Power of Pinterest for Business & Why You Need It Now

As an entrepreneur who uses social media, in particular Pinterest, its marketing has changed my life in a good way. It’s an amazing visual search engine that has really grown in leaps and bounds in the past couple of years for small business owners.

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